Story Coaching

Unlock the power of your story to transform your reality and step into the chapter of who you truly are.

Who are you? Why are you really here? What do you want? These three questions shape your reality. Our answers define how we experience life, influence the choices we see as available, and direct the paths we take in our careers, leadership and lives.

Our stories, shaped by past experiences, societal expectations or inherited beliefs, often live deep within our subconscious, limiting our view. Too often, we suppress our uniqueness to stay within what’s known or familiar — even if it’s no longer working. These stories are just a fraction of an expansive reality.

At critical inflection points, these stories begin to unravel. If you feel lost or stuck repeating versions of your past, it’s not a sign of something wrong or broken. It’s our innate impulse to move beyond what we know — an invitation to create a fundamentally new story and view of reality, one where you fully express who you are.

By learning to decode and rewrite the story you’re living in and leading from, you begin to dissolve the internal blocks between who you think you are and who you truly are — opening the door to a new, expansive way of being in the world. You’ll begin to see setbacks not as obstacles, but as integral parts of a greater unfolding story, revealing new opportunities for internal and external growth.

Story Coaching is a holistic process and practice that has helped thousands of leaders and entrepreneurs navigate transformative change with clarity and alignment. Whether you’re leading transformation in your organization or navigating a major life or career transition, Story Coaching helps you clarify your vision and purpose, rewrite a cohesive new story of your past, present and future, and accelerate meaningful growth — personally, professionally and spiritually.

A new story inside and out is not a destination but a stable foundation for living fully in the here and now. It creates the space for you to make a unique contribution aligned with who you truly are while continually growing and expanding in alignment with your unique purpose.

When you bravely choose to stop hiding behind the story of who you’ve been, an expansive reality of possibilities has space to meet you right here and now.


“Before I met Lizzie, I was stuck. Now I am on a clear path – a path that I love. I am far more confident and happy in my skin. While this may seem easy, it’s one thing to ‘think’ this intellectually – but actually feeling it has been truly life-changing. I feel it each and every day. I feel it in my professional relationships, personal relationships and my relationship to myself. And I’m seeing countless, unexpected tangible results.”

  • “Lizzie helped me realize that my deep desires are right and good. She is different from other coaches or advisors because she challenges you, takes you deeper and connects so many dots – helping me see how things professionally were interconnected to my personal relationships and my relationship with myself. She gives very specific feedback to bring the mind, body and heart together so change happens inside and out. She has a unique and holistic approach – blending storytelling, spirituality, coaching and her background working in and with startups and similar companies. She is vulnerable, immediately relatable and in it with you – while guiding you in the process. Absolutely work with Lizzie!”


“I found Lizzie in a time I was feeling the MOST lost I've ever been. Lizzie was a beacon of light to help guide me back to myself, an evolving self. Lizzie's presence, energy and simple methods allowed me, for really the first time in my 15+ year career, to have the space to understand who I am and what I want to be.”

  • “Lizzie’s coaching expanded far beyond my career self, and has equipped me to be my "full self” in the present. Lizzie guided me through de-constructing my past/existing "stories," and helped me see that they served me at one point, and may not be now. She helped me rewire a deeply worn habit of running/jumping into new jobs/roles every time there is a bump in the road. I don't overthink, and I'm more open, curious. Confidence in who I am is felt in my bones — even more than the words I use. I'd highly recommend leaders come to Lizzie when they are in those existential moments or those ‘what got me here, won't get me there’ cross-roads. Lizzie makes the intangible tangible to introduce new behaviors and possibilities when historically I believed there were none.”


“There are times in one’s life where it’s hard to know who to reach out to for clarity. The support landscape of therapists, coaches, recruiters and healers is a siloed one. When I realized my whole self was missing something, that’s when Lizzie came into the picture. By working through multiple dimensions of my “becoming,” one thing started to lead to the next thing and the next. The unlocking of my future began!

  • “Lizzie’s experience and guidance was next level remarkable. I’m a planner, a go-getter and a ‘take the bull by the horns’ kinda gal. But this was different. I had to listen to my intuition more than ever. I now have come to realize that where I landed was what Lizzie knew all along was on its way to my reality.”

Connect to the whole of who you are. Know what you’re uniquely here to do. Create the conditions to do it well, and elevate those you lead and love.

At the intersection of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science, and designed for the complexities of modern business and life, Story Coaching creates a fundamentally new foundation for your growth and evolution. By integrating advanced coaching and strategic storytelling you'll clarify, express and create a wholly new reality aligned with who you truly are.

Explore the offerings below for individual coaching and advisory, org & culture transformation, team facilitation and workshops — and I invite you to be in touch to get started.

Advanced Coaching

Surface and work through the limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks between where you are today and what you truly want.

Intuitive Vision

Highly trained intuitive vision reveals deeper truths, unseen forces shaping your life and the theme of your life purpose.

Strategic Storytelling

Craft a cohesive narrative that connects your past, present, future and unique purpose.

Conscious Creation

Put your inner and outer narrative to work through newly aligned action in all areas of life.

Deeper Relationships

Uplevel existing relationships, form newly aligned connections and partnerships, and enhance empathy.

Multi-Dimensional Tools

Develop a holistic understanding of who you are and your greatest opportunities for growth and development.

Coaching for the whole of you career, leadership & life

Story Coaching supports people across a wide spectrum of leadership and life crossroads — from entrepreneurs reimagining the future of their companies, to consulting leaders thinking about their legacy wondering if it's too late to pivot in their careers, to creative and tech executives aiming to transform outdated systems while growing personally and spiritually. It’s also increasingly supporting first-time solopreneurs and those navigating life’s most challenging transitions.

Our work helps you move beyond the limiting stories of your past to clarify, express and create the reality you desire here and now. Rooted in answers to life’s most essential questions — Who are you?, Why are you really here? an What do you truly want? — Story Coaching has guided thousands in creating a new reality of opportunities aligned with their inner truth and greatest purpose in real time.

To explore working together, please be in touch.


Story Sprint
to Unlock Your Story

Think of this session as a “sprint” for your story — a 90-minute deep dive focused on your biggest question, challenge, opportunity or goal.

  • This focused session includes pre-work to unlock subconscious blocks, a 90-minute interactive experience, and a recap featuring Story Coaching tools for ongoing use. You’ll choose the question or challenge to focus on, whether personal or professional, recognizing that everything is interconnected.

    These sessions have successfully supported a variety of topics, including career navigation, personal branding, fundraising, burnout, vision setting, redefining business trajectory, making a difficult decision, integrating spiritual beliefs into modern reality, and navigating significant life changes such as divorce and medical diagnoses.


Story Transformation
to Create Your Next Chapter

This one-to-one partnership is where the most profound inner and outer work can occur. Together, we’ll create a new chapter of growth — aligned with who you truly are and what you want to achieve, in leadership and life.

  • Transform your story to create your desired future in real-time.

    Whether you’re transitioning in your career, leading a company through change, feeling now is the time to finally take action on a long-held dream, or moving through life transitions, this partnership supports holistic growth across all dimensions — personal, professional and spiritual.

    Together, we’ll uncover the narratives that shape your actions, words and intentions. Through applied coaching, you’ll rewrite and align your inner story and spoken narrative with the future you want to create, and take daily actions to make your future happen now.

    *Story Coaching amplifies the impact of spiritual practices, therapy or other coaching you may be doing. It connects the dots and helps you apply the most essential truths.

  • Rather than working session by session, this is a fully committed and customized partnership. I work with people in career and life transitions for 3 months and with in-role executives and founders for 6 months.

    • We begin with pre-work and an intake session to set clear intentions and roadmap your path forward.

    • You’ll have 2-3 60 minute coaching sessions each month, plus spot-coaching as needed.

    • You’ll also have full access to me via email and text for ongoing support, structure and accountability.

    • I provide tools, techniques and actionable steps tailored to your goals.

    • I’ll facilitate connections to people and partners in my network to further your growth and help you create what's next.

    While we’ll do likely some of the deepest inner work you may have done in your life, this partnership focuses on taking structured action in new ways to create lasting transformation. It's the combination of insight and action that reshapes your reality.

    At the end of our engagement, you can choose to continue month-to-month as you refine and build on your newly expanded foundation.


Story Circle
to Create the Future Together

Join a group of peers to transform your and story, create your desired reality and work through real-time challenges, while supporting others in their own process — recognizing that all of our stories and experiences are interconnected.

  • For 6 months, join a curated group of leaders who are committed to personal, professional and spiritual growth.

    Through this experience, you'll learn how we construct our reality, decode the story you’re currently living, and uncover the truth of who you are and what's possible. We'll confront and challenge limiting collective norms around leadership, success, money and the future itself, rewriting these outdated stories to move forward with more aligned, expansive narratives in our careers and lives.

    This collaborative environment will allow you to deeply reflect on your own path while recognizing the interconnectedness of everyone’s stories. By sharing real-time challenges and insights, you’ll reshape your own narrative and contribute your unique wisdom to the group.

    • Two Group Sessions per Month: Each session is a space for collaborative learning, discussion and exploration of personal and collective stories. You'll receive tailored tools, techniques and assignments to apply between sessions.

    • Peer Work: Engage in 1:1 peer work for targeted deep-dive conversations that enrich your own growth while supporting others.

    • 1:1 Coaching: Receive a one-on-one session with me for personalized, fine-tuned work.

    • Group WhatsApp for Office Hours: Stay connected with the group and me via a dedicated WhatsApp channel for questions, accountability, and ongoing support between sessions.

    • Additional Learning Opportunities: Occasional group sessions with guest experts, authors or teachers will be offered to broaden perspectives and support deeper learning.

    Custom-Designed for Organizations & Individual Leaders: Story Circles are tailored to meet the needs of organizations or are occasionally facilitated externally for diverse, curated groups of individual leaders. These groups are intentionally brought together based on shared values and goals.

    To ensure alignment, all members must have previously worked with me through a Story Sprint, Story Transformation or other coaching engagement.

Every reality starts and ends with a story. Decode and rewrite yours to experience the freedom of living in alignment with your inner truth.

Story Transformation for organizations, teams and groups

I facilitate experiences to identify and clear limiting stories and beliefs, building new stories that unlock growth, create purposeful connections and drive real-time breakthroughs.

Together, we’ll harness the untapped power of story to create the reality you desire — right here and now. Each engagement is custom designed, from personal branding workshops to leadership development, executive offsites or visioning and culture transformation. Reach out to discuss your specific needs and goals.

Please be in touch to share more about your needs and goals.

Workshops & Speaking

I help people challenge limiting perspectives on leadership, careers and identity, demonstrating how new stories create desired realities in the here and now.

Each experience fosters new connections, meaningful conversations and provides actionable tools for real-time growth.

    • Who Are You?
      Learn how to discover the truth of who you really are and step into that person in real-time.

    • What Do You Really Want?
      Why this question is so hard to answer, how to answer it for yourself, and how to take action on your deepest desires.

    • Discover Your Purpose Right Now
      Learn how to identify your unique purpose and role within the organization’s mission, fostering greater meaning and engagement in real-time.

    • Leadership & Purpose
      A targeted session for leaders on connecting with their purpose to find greater meaning in their careers, leadership, and life.

    • Transforming Setbacks into Growth Opportunities
      Reframe limiting beliefs and setbacks as the greatest opportunities for professional and personal development.

    • Transform Your Reality Right Now
      Explore how stories shape our reality and learn how to create a future aligned with what you truly want and collapse the timeline of your success.

    • Personal Branding and Career Growth
      Unlock the power of your personal brand right now by aligning your story with your greatest potential.

    • Story: The Single Greatest Problem-Solving Tool
      Identify subconsciously limiting stories and rewrite the narrative to find creative solutions in real-time.

    • The Power of Your Words
      As a leader in work and life, learn the rarely known yet proudly powerful power of your words. Learn to use and choose your words to create what you never thought possible.

    • Story as Your Partner to Navigate the Unknown
      Learn how to use story a tool to embrace and work with change, and create a successful path forward when you thought there were none.

Org, Culture and Leadership Team Story Advisory & Offsites

I work with organizations and teams to unlock their true story.

Who are you, and what are you really here to do? Leading today requires a fundamentally new way of thinking about culture, vision and your team or company’s role and value. I specialize in helping you surface and clear subconscious narratives and beliefs influencing your culture, performance and future growth.

Through our work together, we’ll identify how these hidden beliefs are mirrored by your team, customers and marketplace — and replace them with new stories that move you forward and bring you closer together. We’ll uncover your unique value proposition and map focused actions aligned with what makes you irreplaceable. The result is a clear, unified story and vision that accelerates performance, fosters innovation and revitalizes your sense of purpose and connection.

  • We’ll surface the unspoken beliefs and stories within your organization that are holding you back — whether related to leadership, team dynamics or industry positioning.

  • We'll map a cohesive, clear story that connects your past, present and purpose with your desired outcomes for the future.

  • Through tangible strategies, I’ll guide you in taking your new narrative into action. These principles will guide your communication, shift internal culture and equip your leaders to step into their unique roles to lead collective success.

  • As we work through this transformation, I coach each leader to discover their individual purpose and align it with the organization’s larger goals.

Work with the energy of change to create what you truly want. The best way to start is to start. The best time to start is now.

The story 
of Story Coaching 

  • Nearly a decade ago I was in the prime of a hard-earned, prestigious strategy career. During a presentation to the chairman of a global beauty corporation, I received the call that changed everything. My mom was in the hospital. I was told she had hours to live. My world stood still for the first time in my life, as I went through the motions to get on the plane to fly across the country. I’ll never forget entering the hospital room to see my mom – barely conscious – look blankly at me and ask, “Who are you?”

    Who am I? The real truth was – beyond my title, roles, accomplishments and expectations, I had no idea. Somewhere along the way to ‘fit in’ to what others needed from me and achieve what I thought needed to be happy, I lost who I really was in the process. It felt like I was living a shell of a life. However, there was something waking up within me for the very first time.

    I took the first big risk of my life, left my traditionally great and lucrative career and set out on a new journey – the real work of my life – to discover who I truly am and what I'm really here to do. Little did I know that sharing the lessons I learned on my path of discovery were exactly what I was here to do.

  • Operating as a strategist in work and life, I began a different kind of research and analysis. I was researching myself, like an experiment.

    I assumed there was a coach (or therapist?) who focused on identity and meaning, both personally and professionally - who could help me make sense of this inflection point. Finding only siloed solutions, I had no other choice but to create my own process.

    I worked with, learned from and trained with some of the best executive and life coaches, spiritual healers and energy workers, therapists, doctors and academics with cutting-edge knowledge.

    It took me a long time of cycling through my stuck-ness and pain to realize I couldn’t think my way to an answer. The more I tried to figure things out intellectually, the more confused I became. The mind is the wrong tool for getting true, soul-level clarity in life.

    With a college degree in journalism, I wrote everything I was learning. It was my writing - and sharing openly with others what was in progress - that kept me connected to myself in a time that otherwise would have been incredibly disorienting and painful. Through writing and sharing my story in every day conversations, I began to connect the dots across siloed disciplines and fragmented parts of myself.

    My biggest ah-ha's were actually not what I learning in the traditional sense. They were what and how I was un-learning and un-raveling layers of "not me" - societal expectations, outdated beliefs, even my own expectations based on what had worked in the past. It was so clear how these deep, unconscious beliefs simply were not true. The more that I wrote and spoke, the more I was systematically clearing - and progressively growing and healing in a spiral of new language, new thoughts and renewed energy. And, I experienced far deeper and more meaningful connections with others.

    As time went on, my new and true story and self were emerging. My language changed, my actions changed as I found myself doing things that had never in my life been on my radar of possibilities, my mindset changed, my heart opened, my energy was flowing, my body physically and physiologically changed and I began to see myself and the world clearly - from an elevated and whole perspective. It was truly transformative. From this place, possibilities felt endless. Story Coaching was born.

  • Since then, I have been evolving and fine-tuning this method more rapidly than ever - through my own life of continued transformation through setbacks and in my work with hundreds of committed leaders in their most significant transitions. I attribute Story Coaching to miraculous healing in my own life – including eliminating an incurable cancer diagnosis, reversing a 20+ year postmenopausal state to get my period in my mid-30s, building a successful, multi-dimensional career and business that I love, being a part of a creative community of heart-led people who I learn from each and everyday, and working through anything that comes along the way with far more ease, self-love and compassion.

    The greatest gift of all is that I'm now in the position where the only self-determined job and life requirement I have is to show up as the truest version of myself possible. It is not easy in the traditional sense, because it means allowing myself to be and act beyond the boundaries of "fitting in," but I truly believe this is my life's work. The more I learn to stand in my unique truth, the more my desired future meets me in each moment. And when I collapse into scarcity or feeling I need to fit into what's known or common (which still happens, yet far less often), the more I suffer and the more I learn, and then I start again. These lessons have been important and integral to my work.

    What energizes me more than anything is integrating the knowledge, lessons and stories of every chapter of my life with who I am uniquely: a non-traditional strategist, powerful intuitive, storyteller, connector of people and potential, and a women who knows I'm here to live an extraordinary and connected life. This is my life’s work, and I am so excited to help those who are interested to discover theirs too.

    When you grow, I grow. Each day I'm elevating my perspective and seeing new ways that our individual stories are interconnected. When I work with one leader or one team in a coaching program, I approach it with the belief that I'm actually working with everyone.

    I hope that my imperfect story of learning how to be my unique version of human inspires you in some small way to be more you, too. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to get to know the real you soon.

Stories about our work together

Would you like explore working together?

Please reach out to schedule a 30-minute conversation.